Curriculum Vitae

We neither know the results nor the benefits of understanding and explaining the world, but to give it a try is deeply human(e).

(mine: Ludger Pries)

Biographical summary

Born in Füchtorf/North Rhine-Westphalia in 1953; secondary school (Abitur) at Staatliches Gymnasium Warendorf 1972; military service, mechanical engineering apprenticeship and work as a toolmaker until 1980.

Studies of and degree in social sciences at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1980-1985); Ph.D. (1989) and habilitation (1995) at University Erlangen-Nürnberg; Research Fellow (1985-1990); postdoc- and habilitation fellowship and visiting professor in Mexico (1990-1994); Pierre-Naville-Chair of Sociology Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City (1994-1996); senior researcher, research professorship and interim professorships (1996-2001); professor at the Chair of Sociology – Organisation, Migration, Participation at Ruhr-University Bochum (03/2001-09/2021).

Fields of expertise: Sociology of migration, refuge and transnationalism, sociology of work and organizations, life course research and biographical analysis; international comparative social research using quantitative and qualitative methods; research and teaching stays in Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Spain and the USA.

Research grants and awards: Successful application and procurement of more than 28 research projects/grants with competitive review and selection processes with a total of some 5 million euros; René-König-Award of the German Association of Sociology for the best textbook in sociology in 2014; Award of the Mexican Association of the Study of Work for Academic Trajectory in 2017.

Publications: 26 monographies (10 co-authored); more than 110 articles in scientific journals (over 70 of them are double blind peer reviewed); 30 edited books (14 in English and 5 in Spanish); more than 190 chapters in books (more than 130 single-authored); review activities for more than 50 international scientific journals and foundations; activities in scientific and editorial boards of 6 international scientific journals.

Other academic activities: Board member (2005-2011) and speaker (2009-2011) of the migration and ethnic minorities section of the German Sociological Association; member of the council of the German Sociological Association (2012-2016); member of the board of directors of the Institute for International Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Law at Ruhr-University Bochum; dean of the faculty of social sciences at Ruhr-University Bochum (2004-2006); rectorate representative of the Joint RUB-IG Metal Working Group since 2001; appointment representative of the rectorate at Ruhr-University Bochum (2008-2011); member (2011-2015) and deputy chairman (2012-2015) of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Migration and Integration; spokesperson of the organising committee of the 36. congress of the German Sociological Association (2011-2012); holder of the Wilhelm-und-Alexander-von-Humboldt Chair at El Colegio de México (2015-2017); member of the executive committee of the European Sociological Association (2019-2021); member of the executive board of IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe), the largest network of migration research in Europe (2020-2023).

Training and academic career


Studies in Social ScienceFakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/ Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1985/12Diplom-Soz.wiss. (graduated in Social Science)Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1989/12Promotion (PhD), Dr.phil.Philosophische Fakultät/Universität Erlangen
1995/06Habilitation, Dr.phil.habil.Philosophische Fakultät/Universität Erlangen
Professor at the Chair Sociology/
Organization, Migration, Participation
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Since 2021/10Senior professor at the Faculty of Social SciencesRuhr-Universität Bochum

Research and teaching stays

Research FellowSozialforschungsstelle Dortmund
Research FellowInstitut für Soziologie/Universität Erlangen
1989/10Short term lecturershipUniversidad Autónoma Metropoli­tana/Mex.
Postdoc-Fellowship German Research Foundation (DFG), Visiting ProfessorEl Colegio de México/Mexico-City
1991/07-08Visiting FellowMax-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung/Berlin
ProfessorshipEl Colegio de Puebla/Mexico
Habilitation-Fellowship German Re-search Foundation (DFG), ProfessorEl Colegio de Puebla/Mexico
1993/05Short term lecturershipUniversidade Federale de Minas Geráis/Bras.
Chair ‘Pierre Naville’Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Mexico
Visiting Professor/Research FellowInstitut Arbeit und Technik/Gelsenkirchen
Professor/Chair Sociology (stand-in)Institut für Soziologie/Universität des Saarlandes
Professor/Chair Sociology (stand-in)Institut für Soziologie/Universität Göttingen
Senior ResearcherInstitut für Soziologie/Universität Erlangen
2000/03Visiting FacultyUniversity of Pennsylvania, Department of Sociology/Population Studies Center
Professor at the Chair Sociology/ Organisation, Migration, ParticipationFakultät für Sozialwissenschaft/Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2006/06-07Visiting Fellow and course teacherSchool of International and Public Affairs/Columbia University, New York
2006/08-09Visiting FellowSchool of Industrial and Labor Relations/Cornell University, Ithaca
Chair Wilhelm-und-Alexander-von-HumboldtEl Colegio de México/Mexico City

International cooperation / scientific board activities / reviewing


Founding member of editorial board Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo from 1993 to 1996


Member of research network Groupe d´Etudes et de Recherche Permanent sur l´Industrie et les Salariés de l´Automobile GERPISA, Paris since 1996

Member of Latin American Studies Association LASA since 1994

Member of Research Committee 30 of International Sociological Association (ISA) since 1995

Member of Editorial Board of Región y Sociedad (Mexico) since 1998

Member of Editorial Board of Sociología del Trabajo (Spain) since 1999

Member of Editorial Board of Peripherie (Germany) since 1999

Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) (member of the council since 2012)

Member of German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA)

Member of the European Sociological Association (ESA), member of its Executive Committee and Chair of its Publication Committee from 2019 to 2021

Associate Editor of the journal Global Networks

Referee Activities for Scientific Foundations and Institutions

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung/InWent

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

European Science Foundation, College of Expert Reviewers

Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Haus Villigst



La Trobe – University/Australien

Leverhulme Trust/London

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies

Swiss National Science Foundation


Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen

Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Zukunftsforschung – Universität Bielefeld

Referee Activities for Scientific Journals

American Journal of Sociology/Chicago

Arbeit, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik

AREA/Royal Geographic Society

Berliner Journal für Soziologie/Berlin

Bulletin of Latin American Research

Climate Change

Comparative Migration Studies

Critical Sociology/Sage

critical perspectives on international business/Emerald

Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales/Madrid

Economic and Industrial Democracy/Sage

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space/Durham-UK, Pion

Estudios Sociológicos/El Colegio de México

Ethnic and Racial Studies/Taylor&Francis

European Journal for Development Research

European Societies/Taylor&Francis

European Urban and Regional Studies/Sage

Foro Internacional/El Colegio de México

Frontera Norte/COLEF

Geographische Revue/Flensburg

Geographische Rundschau/Westermann

Global Labour Journal

global networks/Wiley-Blackwell (Regional Editor)

Globalisation, Societies and Education


Industrielle Beziehungen/München

International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology

International Journal of Automotive Technology & Management/Inderscience

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research/Wiley-Blackwell

International Migration/Wiley-Blackwell

International Migration Review/ Wiley-Blackwell

International Sociology/Sage

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies/Taylor&Francis

Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies/Routledge

Journal of Urban Affairs/Wiley

Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie/Köln

Lateinamerika – Analysen und Berichte/Hamburg-Münster

Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft/Hamburg

Migration Studies

Moving the Social/Klartext

New Technology, Work and Employment/Wiley-Blackwell

Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie

Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology

Oxford Development Studies/Taylor&Francis

Peripherie/Münster (member of the advisory board until 2011)

Raumforschung und Raumordnung/Springer (member of the advisory board 2009-2013)

Región y Sociedad/Hermosillo (member of the scientific advisory board)

Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo/Rio de Janeiro (co-founder)

Revista Contaduría y Administración/UNAM-Mexico

Routledge Handbooks series

Social Forces/Oxford Journals

Social Indicators Research/Springer

Social Sciences/MDPI

Sociologia del Trabajo/Madrid (member of the editorial board)

Sociological Research Online

Soziale Welt/München

Soziologische Revue/Bremen (co-editor)

State of Nationalism/The International Review of the Study of Nationalism

The American Sociologist

Third World Quarterly


Transnational Social Support/Taylor&Francis


Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Berlin

Zeitschrift für Migration und soziale Arbeit/Frankfurt

Zeitschrift für Soziologie/Bielefeld

Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft/Springer

PhD Thesis

Alfredo Hualde/ UNAM, MéxicoLa articulación entre el sistema educativo y el sistema productivo en la frontera norte de México: un estudio en Tijuana y Ciudad Juárez (National Research Award)1998
Fernando Herrera/UAM, MéxicoTrayectorias y biografías laborales en la migración de Puebla y Tlaxcala a la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de Nueva York2002
Sergio Sandoval/ UAM, MéxicoHibridación, Modernización Reflexiva y Procesos Culturales en Ford Hermosillo2002
Jörg Alt/HU-BerlinLeben in der Schattenwelt: Problemkomplex illegale Migration (Forschungspreis)2003
Saúl Macías/UAM-ITransmigrantes en Pueblayork: Enclave étnicso en el mercado de trabajo transnacional2004
Roland Abel/RUBErwerbsregulierung in kleinen Handwerksunternehmen – untersucht am Beispiel von Tischlereien2006
Markus Hertwig/RUBZwischen institutionellen Erwartungen und Effizienzkalkül. Gründe der E-Business-Nutzung in Unternehmen der Automobilzulieferindustrie2007
Peter Ittermann/ RUBBeschäftigtenpartizipation (und Erwerbsregulierung) in Unternehmen der digitalen Wirtschaft2008
Eva Palenga-MöllenbeckTransnational migration – the case of Silesian migrants with dual citizenship2011
Siglinde HesslerInternational Framework Agreements as emerging part of a transnational governance structure?2011
Kerstin RosenowMigrant Organisations and the Security Discourse2011
Veronika DehnenDie Rolle von EBRs bei der Umsetzung internationaler Arbeitsstandards2013
Sophie RosenbohmAushandlungsprozesse der Beschäftigtenpartizipation in SE-Gesellschaften2013
Frank WissingMitarbeiter- und Patientenbefragungen als Partizipationsmythos2014
Fabian HooseArbeitsbeziehungen und Interessenregulierung in der Game-Industrie2014
Christian SchrammWandlungsdynamiken transnationaler Familien unter Krisenbedingungen – Biographische Perspektiven auf Familienfigurationen zwischen Spanien und Ecuador2021
Olympia DumitruProfessional Remittances of Romanian Physicians: A Transnational Approach2022
Mais MasadehThe Institutionalization of Human Trafficking by the Islamic State: A Case Study of Enslaved Yezidi Women2023
Paul-Fiete KramerDigitalisierung von Arbeit und Erwerbsregulierung: Crowdworking als Herausforderung für Mitbestimmung und Interessenvertretung2023
Serife ErolDie Rolle der Arbeitsorientierung bei der Erklärung der Weiterbildungs- und Lernverhaltens der Beschäftigten2024
Melanie WieschallaDisentangling the triangle of organized violence, forced migration and development. Migrants` biographies in the Central and North American regionOngoing
Rafael BohlenInstitutional Resilience of Organized Violence – The Role of Forced Migration and Human Mobility as Favoring Factors. A Comparative Case Study of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG)Ongoing