Ludger Pries - Migration expert

Ludger Pries

Senior Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil.

Expert for migration, labor relations, transnationalism

I work as a Sociologist and Seniorprofessor at the Department for Social Science at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany (Institutional Website).

Since the 1980s I have been doing research and teaching in Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, the USA and other countries.

My areas of interest are (international comparative) Sociology of Migration, Work and Organization, Lifecourse Research, Transnationalism, Evolutionary Sociology.

„In a fable, a dying farmer tells his children that there is atreasure buried in his field. They then dig up and around the field all over without finding the treasure. In the next year, however, the land thus worked bears threefold fruit. […] We will not find the treasure, but the world that we have dug for it will bear triple fruit to the spirit – even if in reality it had not been about the treasure at all, but about the fact that this digging is the necessity and inner determination of our spirit.“

Georg Simmel: Philosophische Kultur. Gesammelte Essais. Leipzig: Klinkhardt 1911, p. 5f

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Am 1. Februar 2024 hielt Ludger Pries einen Vortrag zum Thema „Arbeitsmigration und/oder Asylmigration?“ auf der Tagung des Bundesverbandes Nemo (Netzwerk Migrantenorganisationen) „Fachkräftemangel = Bleibeperspektive? Chancenaufenthalt, „Spurwechsel“, Ausländerämter und die neuen „Gastarbeiter*innen“– eine Arbeitskonferenz“. Die Vortragsfolien können hier heruntergeladen werden.

Recent publications

Soeben erschien die 5., aktualisierte und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage meines Buches „Soziologie. Schlüsselbegriffe, Herangehensweisen, Perspektiven„, welches mit dem René-König-Lehrbuchpreis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) ausgezeichnet worden war. Es kann hier bestellt werden.

The 5th, updated and significantly expanded edition of my book „Soziologie. Schlüsselbegriffe, Herangehensweisen, Perspektiven“, which was awarded the René König Textbook Prize of the German Sociological Association (DGS). It can be ordered here.

In autumn 2023 there were published two articles in international journals as listed below:

Pries, Ludger/Calderón Morillón, Oscar/Estrada Ceron, Brandon Amir, 2023: Trajectories of Forced Migration: Central American Migrants on Their Way Toward the USA. Journal on Migration and Human Security,

Pries, Ludger/Zülfikar Savci, Berna, 2023: Syrian refugees arriving to Germany – Choosing Corridors and Individual Characteristics of Forced Migrants. Frontiers in Sociology, Sec. Migration and Society, Vol. 8 (

In 2023, there were published several book chapters like the following:

Pries, Ludger/Günzel, Eva, 2023: Transnational migrant organizations. In: Bada, Xochitl/Fauser, Margit (eds.),International Handbook of Transnational Studies. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 203-216.

Pries, Ludger, 2023: Transnationalität. In: Scharrer, Tabea/Glorius, Birgit/Kleist, Olaf/Berlinghoff, Marcel (Hg.), Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos, II.23 p. 357-363.

Pries, Ludger, 2023: Forced migrants from Hannah Arendt up to now: Negotiating biographical belongings. In: Pohn-Lauggas, M./Tonah, S./Worm, A. (Eds.): Exile Flight Persecution. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 17–36.

Pries, Ludger, 2023: Arbeit und Migration. In: Bohn, Rainer/Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut/Pfeiffer, Sabine/Will-Zocholl, Mascha (Hg.), Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 49-53.

Pries, Ludger, 2023: Globalisierung und Transnationalisierung. In: Bohn, Rainer/Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut/Pfeiffer, Sabine/Will-Zocholl, Mascha (Hg.), Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 183-186.

On July 1 Ludger Pries gave a kind of farewell lecture as he now is Senior Professor at RUB; we organized a party related to this and to his 70th birthday. You can find the farewell lecture in English here, in German here.

On 30th of June and 1st of July, the Formove-II project organized the international conference „Forced migration in a comparative life-course perspective“ at Ruhr-Univeristät Bochum. You can find the program of the conference here and additonal information on the papers presented here.

Recently my review of the book „Die Asyllotterie“ of Ruud Koopmans appeared in Soziopolis. You can download it here.

Recently the article „Syrian refugees arriving to Germany – Choosing Corridors and Individual Characteristics of Forced Migrants“ written by Berna Zülficar Savci and me was published in Frontiers in Sociology, Sec. Migration and Society, Vol. 8. It could be downloaded here.

The article „Between Humanitarian Assistance and Externalizing of EU Borders: The EU-Turkey Deal and Refugee Related Organizations in Turkey“ by Ludger Pries and Berna Zülfikar Savci was published in the Journal on Migration and Humanitarian Scurity. It can be downloaded here.

Recently I gave an inaugural presentation at the „Symposium and PhD Training >Lived transnationalism in times of violent conflict – Cross-border connections and mobilities of people, goods and capital< at BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflilct Studies). The slides can be downloaded here.

My handbook article „Migration – Klassische Theorien“ was published in: Antje Röder/Dariuš Zifonun (Hrsg.), Handbuch Migrationssoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 1-28 ( ).

Recently my article „From economic remittances to societal transmittances. Experiences from the European Union“ was publilshed in Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 10-1, 1-20 (DOI 10.25364/02.9:2023.1.1). It can be downloaded here.

A new podcast and video were published referring to The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration, edited by Andreas Feldmann, Xochitl Bada, Jorge Durand and Stephanie Schütze (London/New York: Routledge), where Ximena Alba, Stephanie Schütze and me published the chapter 22 „The Nexus of Forced Migration and Organized Violence„. You can find the book here.

Recently my book „Verstehende Kooperation“ was published as open access Ebook, you can download it here.

„Toward a sociology of evolution in the Anthropocene – Shared intentionality and cooperation through understanding minds“ in Frontiers in Sociology, Sec. Sociological Theory (Link here ) which is based on my book „Verstehende Kooperation“ that you will find in the publication section